Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jareds Top 10 Rules for Succes


1. Be Yourself
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2. Have A Sense Of Humor
Image result for fresh prince of bel air
3. Do Not Care 
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4. Be Different
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5. Be Observant
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6. Work Hard
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7. Make Goals
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8. Live Life
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9. Be Creative
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10. Fear Nothing
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Class Evaluation

Paragraph 1:

Meeting new people was the only thing i liked about the class.

Paragraph 2:

The strict rules, doing the goals and typing off of others sayings

Paragraph 3:

NO more strict rules being applied to us.

Paragraph 4:

I dont know

Paragraph 5:

Not really 1st semester i tried then in 2nd semester i just gave up on some classes

Paragraph 6:

No cause i got other work to do

Paragraph 7:

No because its too tiring. everybody will do some wrong thing

Monday, June 5, 2017

10 Rules for Success

The Top 10 Rules for Success 

by Steph Curry

  1. Visualize Your Goals
  2. Be The Hardest Working Person
  3. Stay Confident
  4. Do It Your Way
  5. Be Creative
  6. Stay In The Moment
  7. Better Yourself Everyday
  8. Have An Upbeat Personality
  9. Be The Best Version Of Yourself
  10. Action Speak Louder Than Words
Reflection: It does not matter where you come from or who you are, but overall the way you try to reach your goals is up to you. In life people wont believe in you in the beginning until someone gives you a shot in life. Until the end only will people believe in you. Life is hard and to reach our goals we have to work hard. We will have to do it in our own way somehow. We will need help but it is us who will strive for it. Creativity is important to us in life. Without creativity we will have nothing what we have right now in our everyday life. Our own creativity helps others in special ways that we do not even realize it. Stay in the moment dont squander it. Try to become better than ourselves. Yesterday you got a C on the test. Today try to do better dont be use to the idea that the grade you get is alright. Overall action speaks louder than words. If what you say is true then prove it. Do not talk big if you cant prove what you said is real

Thursday, June 1, 2017

10 Rules of Success

The Top 10 Rules for Success

  1. Just Play
  2. Be Competitive
  3. Always Take On The New Challenges
  4. Know Your Priorities 
  5. People Will Judge You
  6. Work Hard
  7. Believe You Are The Best
  8. Play For The Team
  9. Enjoy Your Moments
  10. Have A Sense Of Humor
Image result for cristiano ronaldo wallpaper
Reflection: Cristiano Ronaldo's Rules on how to be success full in life does not have to do anything with money. Just by being yourself. His 2nd rule being competitive is a good one. In life their will be obstacles in life that you will have to get through them. Rule 5 is that people will always judge you. Some might like this part about you and others hate about the other part of you. Do not let the small stuff worry about you. Rule 6 you will have to work hard no matter what. People quit in their goals when things get tough. Sometimes the most beautiful places are hard to get there. Rule 3 is to take new challenges, for the most part its a way to achieve goals in life. There will always be new challenges from you reaching your goal. From family problems to money to relationship the whole world has problems. Rule 7 is believe you are the best. In jobs we have to believe we are the best to not make the jobs seem boring. They say take a job that makes you happy not because they tell you. In my opinion i am the best in being creative, others are better than me but for now i am the best. Rule 10 is the best one for me, have a sense of humor. There will be sad moments in life that will affect you but if you laugh at it everything will be alright. For me i do this all the time in my life. For example there was a bombing in Ariana concert, i laughed about it. People did have a blast in the concert. I laugh to hide my true feelings of me being depressed. That is why i am always making everybody laugh instead of making them depressed. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness

Seed 1: Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of you)

"From self-love to self-worth"
Image result for self esteem This duck does not care. This picture describes everything about this quote.

Seed 2: The Seed of Creativity

"Releasing your creative energy"

The Seed of Responsibility 

"Whatever we sow, we rape."
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I was lacking responsibility with my school work. I turned in assignments late and got bad grades. This month i am trying to pick my grades up as they were expected.

The Seed of Wisdom

"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge-- characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
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When we get older we get wiser. We grew learning about stuff and telling it to others. We pass on our ways of life to teach the newcomers in the future. Sometimes they will laugh,listen,reflect, or whatever. Later on they will see what we saw in the future and agree. Wise people always have something good to say. Many seniors want to share their experiences.Either way we will grow old and have our own experiences.

The Seed of Purpose

"The gold mine is your goals"

There is always a purpose in life. It only depends on the person to choose what their purpose is in life. My purpose is too get rich and give some to my family. Others would be charitable or help others. If you are good in something do not do it for free.

The Seed of Communication

"Reach out and touch someone"

So i guess you have to touch someone randomly. For example in a supermarket. If a person is getting something just reach out and touch and leave your hand on their hand. Then in the background music pops out and the song is careless whisper. Never mind it talks about talking to others for fun.

The Seed of Faith

"The power of positive believing"
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This chicken has a strong faith. I am proud for this chicken to have balls to walk in front of death. Faith is about having strong beliefs and believe yourself that you could do anything. For example this chicken has a strong belief that it walks in front of his fallen brothers and sister. This chicken is stronger than everybody in the US. We should learn a thing or two about this chicken. Have Ellen talk to the chicken on her show.

The Seed of Adaptability

"Turning Problems into Opportunities"
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For many of years everything started to adapt to live. Fishes adapted to the environments and the weak fishes died. Same with humans, i do not know how but we adapted somehow.

The Seed of Perseverance

"The will to win is everything"

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The Seed of Perspective

"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."

This is sad, in theory the titanic was the villain to these penguins. -titanic theme- Pengu dont let go. I wont penguia 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

10 Tips for being more Truthful

10 Tips for being more Truthful

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

These ten tips would help people becoming more trustworthy. Overall in my opinion there is no trust in the world. No body cannot go in life without lying more than once. This is something we do to not hurt a person or to try to escape our problems. Sometimes it is best to lie in a relationship than being completely honest. It is very bad to lie though, first you make a little lie then have to remember about it all the time. Then that small lie turns big and bigger THATS WHAT SHE SA-- never mind. Overall small lies turn big and if you make a lot of small lies then you will have to remember all the lies.

Monday, April 17, 2017

School Break


Some things i did the first was do h.w. Another thing was watch Shameless on Netflix.

I traveled to San Francisco with my uncle

I was forced to go a church on Monday, so i met some priest and nuns

I watched Boss Baby and Kong, i preferred the old movie King Kong by Universal Studios. Also watched Undisputed 4- a movie about a Russian kick-boxer who kicks everybody ass

Sports i did was a little kickboxing and hunting

I chose the right by helping others in random places

I read Animal Farm, Four-Four-Two, another book about a crime where a mom dies from and "overdose" and the daughter tries to figure out the cause of death of her mothers.

Did mostly Great Books missing assignment. Did a few assignments on world history.

  Ate nothing but junk-food

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Pyramid of Success

Pyramid of Success 

John Wooden

Coach Wooden site The Pyramid
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Block 1;
"in plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."

The hard work is that you can not escape. You must be willing to work and not be lazy like me. Those who work are rewarded than those who are not. There is no easy shortcut in the way of life but if there is one tell me. What the quote says is that hark comes success and we are part of a success if we work. Like Rihanna song we got to work work work work work, also learn learn learn learn learn.

Block 2:
"It is engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why  i chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."
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Block 3:
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

For marriage its friendship. But you need friends in your life unless you an assassin then you must cut off everybody from your life. For example like Denzel Washington from The Equalizer he had to give up his old life and begin a new life. Until he meets a young escort in a diner that he builds a friendship with her. They were best friends right off the bat. Until the pimp beat up the girl and Denzel went to buy her freedom but the pimp said no. So Denzel killed the pimp and his gang. Then they sent more people to kill Denzel and Denzel killed everybody.
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Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

There is no more loyalty than the dog named Hachiko. That dog waited all his life for his dead master to return. This dog is more loyal than guys walking out on their wife's and kids. Also more loyal than a guy promising you something but leaves you hanging. Loyalty is about commitment, like Hachiko was to his master. He is a shiba inu dog type, so they do not play fetch. Only when they know their master is going to die then they play fetch or does a trick that the master tried to teach them.

Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."

Blah blah blah ctr blah blah cooperating in writing this boring block. blah blah blah ctr always blah blah this class is boring. cooperate together blah blah be a team ctr do great in life. blah blah blah im bored so im gonna cooperate ctr blah .+

Block 6; Ambition

Image result for the last samurai
Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

There is no greater discipline than a Mexican mother hitting her child's with a chancla, or a belt, or a wire, or a stick. Just kidding there is no greater discipline than samurais. They grow up with discipline and act in a mature way. Too bad times changed and the people forgot about the samurais, they feared no one and accepted death when the time came.
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Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
We got to stay open minded in life. Cause in life we will get destroyed fast by something unexpected. Also in the military you have to be alert all the time. Same goes for in a battlefield
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Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

Initiative is about being independent, by making decision. You are suppose to be not afraid to take a stand, cause everybody come take my hand, we will walk this road together. whatever weather cold or warm. just letting you know you are not alone. Sometimes you have to make the first move in order for people to follow your steps.

Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentration on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."

Block 11: Sincerity
Keeps friends

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Sincerity is just about being good friends. You need good friends in life to survive this cruel world. Also having a good friend will do crazy stuff with you. For example you catch the guy that been sleeping with your girl, and you call your friend to help you beat him up. Hell he would be glad to help him out in one condition whats in it for him. Probably when they go to the cheaters house they could might as well steal idk. Life is like a game where you put your life at stake. Its alright to have friends in life, at first you have a lot of friends but then lose after awhile. They be going their separate ways

Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation

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This picture clarifies of the tree adapting to changing. Like how this tree changes from spring to fall.

In time idk if it was evolution or from adam & eve but we came from somewhere. We learn to adapt and stayed alive. Those who didnt adapt to the environment later died sad. People nowadays are not adapt to face reality than what i do. People be facing the other way when their is a disaster in that way then this. For example the news is full of bullshit that people believe in. Like theres feminism, icepolice, police brutality, disasters its all full of bullshit. If people die others will be grieving and get angry. Then theres me now giving a fuck, why because i adapted seeing the truth of reality. Then later on i make jokes about disasters and stuff.
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Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."

Condition means many things like cleaning or stuff. Condition could mean about your body. How to be fit and stay healthy that is condition. Another thing of condition is keep your room clean also the house. You do not live in a damn pig pen with everything all over your room. With condition you have to eat good, you have to eat healthy to live a longer live. Another is mental condition. Keep your mind straight and focus dont let anybody tell you how to be you.

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepare and cover every little detail."

There are many different types of skills. For example "strippers" but they like to be called entertainers or dancers have a very high skill. They dance like there is no tomorrow and are very athletic with the pole. Also athletes who have many skills in playing in the field. There are many people with skills that they themselves dont even realize. One of us could have a skill of leadership and one day be a president.  People need to learn many skills to survive in the world.
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Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
There is no greater team work and spirit than those who server our country. Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy all have great team work and team spirit. Also Brian(Paul Walker) has a nice team spirit with Vin Disel.
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Block 17: Resourcefulness
Proper Judgement
Sometimes you have to think outside the box and be a smart-ass. Sometimes you have to take what you have and deal with it. For example the nig** frog here is using a leaf to protect itself from the rain. Why the frog using this? because he smart he smarter than people themselves.
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Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.

Nothing more elegant than a chef making your tacos.
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Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective"

Its ok to be confident but if you start be too confident you mess up. Then you become cocky and people will hate you. Having confidence in life will be beneficial and stuff. For example you playing a game thats important. You or your team is losing and you need to get this right to win. Would you have confidence and fight or be a coward and lose. Either way its good, if its too good then its bad. Life is tricky.
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Block 20: Reliability
Creates respect

Reliability is when you trust people.
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Block 21: Fight
Determined effort

In life you have to fight what is yours. For example WW2, hitler fought for what was his. The Americans fought because the Japanese attacked them.
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Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge"

To be competitive just kill the opponents.

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Block 23: Integrity
Purity of intention

You could be integrity by building relationships until they backstab you and cheat on you. Overall its nice making new friends. You could also make a list on your everyday life like taking out the trash, cleaning your room, getting rid of the body and many more. Also you have to respect the property of others. Just like the whites did with the blacks or slaves. You have to be faithful and listen to the other persons. Then one day you accidentally listen to one of your friends talking shit.

Block 24: Faith
Believe and Achieve
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There are many ways to interpret faith. It could be about patience, believe, fear or etc.. The greatest faith is the persons in the movie Saws. There lies a true faith live or die. If they survive they are rebirth or feel grateful at the end. Only one survived named Amanda. She was grateful at the end that she rely's that she felt rejoice. When you want something you are getting greedy, just have a bit of faith/patience and it will come to you.
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Block 25: Patience
Good things take time

sit back and relax. we have time in this world. but we never appreciate what we have till something dramatic happens. This picture describes everything in one pic. Having good patience is beneficial. A person is bullying you, relax, be patience find out where the person lives and plan your attack. It is all good just set the house on fire in night. Patience really is good for everybody.

Pyramid of Success Final Reflection

Some building blocks are beneficial to us in a way of life. All of them are very important in a way.
Block 21 is very important to me. You have to fight the things you love or want. Like a job position, you have to fight others for the position.
For right now none because i am lazy.
Some could help me in school and others could help me in home. 
I will teach them by explaining and showing it to them. Going to tell them to ctr all the time.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Chris Paul showed us about how we should achieve a goal in our life. His grandfather got murdered until someone gave an idea on how to avenge his death. The idea was to make 61 points for his grandfather who died at the age of 61. Chris Paul made that his goal to avenge his grandfather on the next game he had. He first scored 26 points and thought their was no way he could get 61 points. He kept scoring 1 pointers each and that nobody could stop him from reaching his goal. He succeeded his goal by making all 61 points and avenges his grandfather death. He laid down on the floor and was happy. He stand up and walked straight to his dad and gave him a long hug.